Now that we have a static/simple Pareto chart in Excel, let’s take it a step further and make it a bit interactive.
Something as shown below:

In this case, a user can specify the % of complaints that need to be tackled (using the excel scroll bar), and the chart will automatically highlight the issues that should be looked into.
The idea here is to have 2 different bars.
The red one is highlighted when the cumulative percentage value is close to the target value.
Here are the steps to make this interactive Pareto chart in Excel:
1- In cell B14, I have the target value that is linked to the scroll bar (whose value varies from 0 to 100).

2- In cell B12, I have used the formula =B14/100. Since you cannot specify a percentage value to a scroll bar, we simply divide the scroll bar value (in B14) with 100 to get the percentage value.

3-In cell B13, enter the following combination of INDEX, MATCH, and IFERROR functions:
=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$10,IFERROR (MATCH ($B$12,$C$2:$C$10,1) ,0)+1),1)
This formula returns the cumulative value that would cover the target value. For example, if you have the target value as 70%, it would return 77%, indicating that you should try and resolve the first three issues.

4- In cell D2, enter the following formula (and drag or copy for all cell – D2:D10):
= IF($B$13>= C2,B2,NA())
5- In cell E2 enter the following formula (and drag or copy for all cell – E2:E10):
=IF ($B$13
6- Select the Data in Column A, C, D & E (press control and select using the mouse).
7- Go to Insert –> Charts –> 2-D Column –> Clustered Column. This will insert column chart with 3 series of data (cumulative percentage, the bars to be highlighted to meet the target, and remaining all other bars)
8- Right-click on any of the bars and select Change Series Chart Type.
9- In the Change Chart Type dialogue box, select Combo in the left pane and make the following changes:
*Cumulative %: Line (also check the Secondary Axis check-box).
*Highlighted Bars: Clustered Column.
*Remaining Bars: Clustered Column.
10- Right-click on any of the highlighted bars and change the color to Red.
That’s It!
You have created an interactive Pareto Chart in Excel.
Now, when you change the target using the scroll bar, the Pareto chart would update accordingly.
By: Sumit Bansal